Wednesday, April 29, 2009

etsy, etc

i bought a slot in todays "art showcase" on etsy--woo!! to check it out, go to and click "art" in the dropdown menu. also, i put some of my photos ON SALE (25% off!) on the site so if you've been eyeing something and want to help me get groceries this month (just kidding...sort of), check it out!!

also, yesterday at work i convinced one of the bakers to make me a special fragel:

LOVE IT! this is the sort of thing that makes working at 6am totally worth it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

THIS JUST IN: Making Websites Hard, Painful, Frustrating

Hi friends

Just a brief update: I'm trying to start up a website that will combine my photos, my graphic design experience (ha), my resume, and a blog into one big thing. Well, it's hard. And I suck at it. So if you know anyone who can help with websites, please let me know. I've been told that I rush headlong into things, much like one very favorite redhaired lady, but this time I'm a leeeeeetle bit over my head. Yes. Eeeeek!!

Meanwhile, don't you want a Carly Romeo Original Photo to give your mom for mother's day??? Yes, you do.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

new felice bros fanblog!

A new Felice Brothers fansite has popped up, and I've gone on board with them to do concert reviews and take some photos. Check it out here for info and news about the best band on earth, and soon for primo photos and reviews from every show i can get my ass to!


Monday, April 6, 2009


Okay, this time I have been seriously remiss. Apologies!

Wednesday is my last day at ROSMY, and after that I'm into the wild blue yonder of a trip across the east coast, and after that the wonderful world of being a professional barista and wannabe photographer. Very exciting.

This weekend there was a bike festival on Belle Isle called Slaughterama--basically the biggest convention of crustpunks, hipsters, anarchists, and potsmokers in all of Virginia. it was nothing less than pure insanity. Example:

That bridge in the background is the one with the pedestrian bridge hanging from underneath it...that day was so windy that I got slightly nauseus walking over it. Eeek!

Please share my etsy shop link with everyone you know. Just ask them to look at the photos and send the link to anyone they think might be interested. If you do this, I will love you forever.
