Sunday, May 17, 2009

Handmade Fair Roundup!

A couple of weeks ago, my sister and I headed down to Raleigh for a weekend visit with our other sister who just moved there! On Sunday morning we went down to Marbles, the children's museum, for the Handmade Fair, where I snagged some lovely cards, jewelry, and handcrafted caramel treats! Here are the links of my four favorite craftsters I met there:

Rosy Revolver
Wolfie and the Sneak
Metamorphosis Metals
Pell Mell Press

1 comment:

Rosy Revolver said...

Just stumbled across your blog! Thanks so much for the mention and link. I would love to do a show up at the Visual Art Center of Richmond. Apps are due in a few days, so we'll see what happens! Hope you all are well. I'll stop by often!