Wednesday, November 18, 2009

seven days of thankfulness : day one

Hello friends!

For the next seven days I'm going to post once a day about things that I'm thankful for. Although stress and the thought of someday (soon) entering the world of "real work" have sort of been getting me down, I know that I'm a lucky individual, and what better time to recognize the things that make my life delightful than Thanksgiving season?

The first thing on my list is a certain group of Richmond friends who are always up for an impromptu photo shoot in the middle of the night, a snowday mimosa morning, playing music, giving fitness advice, cooking vegetarian dinner, bike rides, and whatever else we feel like doing:

Zack and I on Church Hill

Kim on Halloween

Zack in 821

View from the stage at the Langhorn(e?) Slim concert

1 comment:

Mary said...

I just went to langhorne slim concert THIS week! It was lovely, and I hope yours was equally fun!

Also, I love the idea of these thankfulness posts. Much awesome :)