Monday, August 18, 2008

I Bought A Mac!

As Tamar would say, I've moved over to the good side. On the way to my little home in my little hamlet of Old Chatham (yes, it's technically a hamlet) is a BRAND NEW iMac (desktop) complete with huge-ass screen, built-in camera for video chatting, and (gasp!) a non-crashing version of adobe acrobat. Wheee!

Today I called my mom to whine about how it's really boring here, and really slow, and really full of old people, and she yelled at me and told me to stop whining. She also told me that I am required to go into Albany tomorrow and find some friends--or at least a nice coffee shop to lurk in for a while. So tomorrow the goal is to find a hip, Mudhouse-esque place (though hopefully a little less snooty) and sit around, check out the bulletin board, drink coffee, etc. So that should be fun. I already did a google search of area feminist groups (there's only the Albany chapter of NOW, boo) and even winterguards (closest one is 2.5 hrs away in NJ!) but maybe something will pop up while I'm there.

If all else fails, I rented Stick It! from itunes so I can just watch that. HA HA HA all you Stick It! Naysayers! You know who you are.



Jason Paul Becker said...

The town I live in is officially a hamlet of the Town of Hempstead. It makes no sense. There's nothing hamlet about it. Oh well.

Meg said...

1. I love Stick It! I've seen it twice. Whenever I think about Gymnastics/pretend to know about gymnastics/watch the Olympics I'm REALLY just thinking about Stick It.

2. Let's think of other things you like doing! You could...become an assistant leader to a Girl Scout Troop? Ooooor, volunteer at an SPCA? Ooooor take dance classes? OOH! You could join a local scrabble club - I bet you'd clean up, you scrabble hustler, you!

3. I'm about to google "hipster scene in Albany" and other things like that, so because the hipsters looooovvveee you. (First and foremost, you pretty much are one. Secondly see: Joe. Jen. Everyone else you've ever been in a facebook album with.) Albany's big! It'll be THE BEE'S KNEES!

Meg said...

Sooooo, a few moments later, I found a few websites you might like to look into!

1. it's apparently "Underground arts in Albany, NY" so...that sounds cool!

2. it's not updated much anymore, but I glanced over the FAQ and a few articles, and it seems like there might be some interesting stuff in there!

Good luck in the big city!

Also, it occurs to me, I BET there are Albany/upstate NY guide books. I mean, I bet a lot of the stuff is silly, but why not give it a shot! Maude can be your travel companion sometimes, too - I bet it would really spice up her life! Also, who KNOWS which experiences will jog really cool/fun memories!

Tal said...

I bet it'd be a gorgeous place to bike around. Oh, I miss biking...

nce said...

i'm loving this new blog. when i get back to a place that has more than barely functional internet (only three more days!)trust that i will be leaving you lots of lovely comments.
i miss you! we should iChat soon!